Home >> Residential Carpet Cleaning >> Rouge >> Move In Carpet Cleaning

Did you recently purchase a property or assumed control over a rental? Or possibly you’re renting out a place and require carpet cleaning before the new tenants move in. We're here to help you!

We have been offering first-rate carpet cleaning service in Rouge for more than 20 years. It doesn’t matter how big or small, we can do it.

We are trusted by various landlords and real estate agents. Not only do they use our move-in carpet cleaning services. But they also often suggest us to their peers and clients. When moving in, you can never be assured of what sort of cleaning occurred before the turnover.

If you’re doubtful and you want to have the carpets cleaned it’s best to have the cleaning done prior to delivery of furniture.

It is still surprising how much grime we are able to remove when we do move in carpet cleaning. At the end of the day, it is still insisted that the carpets were indeed 'expertly cleaned' before our customers began moving in.

It is difficult to recognize whether they did a genuine deep steam cleaning or the property owner simply had it cleaned using a conventional vacuum cleaner. Professionally cleaning the carpets before moving in isn’t just about them looking clean. There will be allergens you can’t see that are lingering in the carpet strands. This can trigger allergies or give you rashes.

Old pet urine stains might still be left on the carpet. These can cause health problems as they carry harmful bacteria that will spread throughout your new home. Other hard to see things like mold and dust mites can be lingering in the carpets if they're not professionally cleaned.

Getting your carpets cleaned is no different to the reasoning behind why most people get used furniture cleaned after they buy it. Just because it looks clean doesn’t mean it is clean.

Especially with children who would play and rub their faces on the floor. You have to have clean carpets so they don’t get sick.

(289) 312-0067 is our number. Get booked in now! Call today.