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DIY Carpet cleaning machines vs paying professionals. What is the better route for the budget minded individual? Read more as we explore this option.

If you are here today looking to find out where to hire a machine you won’t find it here. What you will find is some information on why it’s a bad choice. This is not about us getting your business at all. This is about educating you and helping you avoid expensive carpet damages.

The tough love lesson here today is about exactly that. All you have to do is go on YouTube and look for DIY mistakes and you’ll be out of breath laughing. Don’t let your carpet end up being a DIY laughing case.

The purpose of this page we have put up is quite simple. To save you from disaster. If you want to call us for a quote as you fell we have helped you today. Well, friend, that’s up to you. No pressure. But hopefully, you now know that DIY jobs can turn very disastrous and you don’t go down that track.

Each type of carpet needs to be cleaned in a different manner. A one-stop shop does not work for carpets. Just like you wouldn’t go to a local doctor who sees you for 10 minutes and expect him to fix a serious issue on the spot. He would refer you to the right specialized doctor.

We have actually had several jobs over the years that have been second bookings for our customers. The first is generally one that never took place as it was just a random person showing up at their house or place of business with a rug doctor claiming to be an expert running a carpet cleaning company.

So if you don’t know what you are doing you can cause big problems for yourself. So, a good question to ask yourself self is the following:

Are you a trained expert in the field of cleaning carpets? If you aren’t, you should call a professional instead.

Kill the dirt once and for all! Book your cleaning right now. Call us on (289) 312-0067