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Almost every other person who calls us asks if the carpet cleaning service includes washing with shampoo. This type of service used to be popular until around the 1970s.

For years, carpet shampoo cleaning has been an outdated type of cleaning. Thanks to deep steam cleaning (also known as hot water extraction) waiting for carpets to dry out has now been significantly faster. It is because of this that most companies prefer the latter and it is now difficult to find companies that still do shampooing.

There are a lot of advantages to deep steam cleaning over shampooing. For one, it uses a piece of much lighter equipment. Another is the much quicker drying time. Before, you will have to wait a long time for carpets to dry up as repeated rinsing was required to wash out thick layers of shampoo. While hot water extraction only uses steam.

After all the trouble of carpet shampooing, there will be a soap residue left over. And it will fell a little sticky.

This stickiness can actually attract dirt quite easily so it’s quite counter-intuitive. Over time you can also get a yellowing stain like effect showing up on the carpet due to the nature of the chemicals that were used.

Companies will only resort to shampoo carpet cleaning in almost hopeless carpet situations. Like deeply stained, heavily soiled and essentially almost black carpet due to dirt buildup.

While the above example could be a reason to call for carpet shampooing. It is still undeniable that deep steam cleaning can still effectively restore carpets even of this state.

Book your cleaning in today on (289) 312-0067