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Just had a stain accident happen? We can help with our budget-friendly carpet stain removal. We work on any kind of stain, no matter how deep. Removing stains can be tricky, using the incorrect removal process can actually damage your carpet.

As an authority in the carpet cleaning industry we have developed an advanced stain removal system throughout the years.

We can handle any type of stain that has been ruining your carpets. It doesn’t really matter if it’s a huge stain that has seeped into the fabric for years. Or if it’s a small spot that just happened recently.

To list a few, we can help with any of the following:

Red wine, cordial, coffee, tea, condiments like mustard, tomato sauce and ketchup, mayonnaise, ink, permanent or dry erase markers, curry, Coca-Cola or any other soda, pop, soft drinks or fizzy drinks, lipstick or other cosmetic stains, food stains, alcohol, blood, human waste like vomit or poop (yes, we deal with it!), pet urine, mud, dirt, beer, paint, fruit, fat, oil, butter or cooking grease, salad dressing, petroleum jelly or Vaseline, candle wax and gum!

We can eliminate any stain no matter what it is. Even those that may not be listed above.

The only thing you can do the moment you spill something on your carpet is to try and soak up excess liquid using a paper towel. Just dab the towel lightly (do not rub!) onto the surface until almost dry.

CAUTION: Since you’re already reading this and are considering hiring a professional like us. Then drop whatever DIY method you’re using. As you risk pushing the stain much deeper into the carpet.

Also, be careful about myths like using varnish to remove stains. Varnish just makes things worse.

Don’t wait! Get booked in today. Call us on (289) 312-0067