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Are you looking to rent a carpet cleaning machine to clean your carpets for your home or business in Centennial, On?

If you are here today looking to find out where to hire a machine you won’t find it here. What you will find is some information on why it’s a bad choice. This is not about us getting your business at all. This is about educating you and helping you avoid expensive carpet damages.

The tough love lesson here today is about exactly that. All you have to do is go on YouTube and look for DIY mistakes and you’ll be out of breath laughing. Don’t let your carpet end up being a DIY laughing case.

So the goal here today is really to save you’re a headache that you could cause going the DIY route hiring a cleaning machine from the store. You don’t even have to call us about our services. Heck, why not call us. Get a quote and then shop around. We really don’t care. What we are trying to do here today is save you from being another victim of a carpet cleaning DIY disaster. That’s it!

Carpet is very particular and cleaning it needs care and attention. One stop shopping is asking for problems. It’s really no different to going to a random restaurant and demanding a pizza when they only do Greek food for example. You can’t get another type of food just because they sell food.

Now imagine for a moment that you have read what we have just educated you on. And you booked in a professional carpet cleaning service with a random company. Everything looked perfect on their website and they were very professional on the phone.

Then when they showed up for the appointment it was just a guy who hired a rug doctor from the store 10 minutes beforehand.

We hear this story now and again from our clients when they book with us to get a real professional in. It’s quite obvious why they never let the rug doctor guy into their home.

If you don’t know what you are doing you could end up damaging your carpet. Regardless of the instructions that come along with a carpet cleaning machine that you hire.

We can be reached on (289) 312-0067 to answer any question and lock in your booking.