Home >> Residential Carpet Cleaning >> Bendale >> Pet Stain Odor Removal

People without pets won’t fully understand the brightness and instant happiness having fur babies in your homes could bring.

As cute and cuddly as they are, it is unquestionable that they also tend to be dirty.

There could be muddy paw prints everywhere as your pets come back in from the yard to run and play. Or while still potty draining there was an accident on the carpet.

Of course, common household cleaners can be a temporary solution for removing pet urine stains. But these will never be enough to prevent issues that will eventually come up like carpet discoloration and stubborn recurring odors.

It will be hard to notice the lingering odors brought about by DIY cleaned pet stains. Especially if you’re living in the house. You actually get used to smells around you and they can almost disappear for you. But other people will smell them instantly.

The best solutions are to hire a professional carpet cleaning company. Such as us as we only use commercial grade chemicals and machinery.

Odor-causing bacteria has to be instantly eliminated from the carpet or rug where your pets urinated. No matter how old the pet stains are, we can effectively remove them. Although, it is recommended to call sooner to prevent irreparable damages to your carpet.

Just one last thing, despite the trouble they caused, spare them from the yelling. Remember they didn't do it intentionally.

Call us on (289) 312-0067 to get a quote today!