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Is your workspace due for general cleaning? We offer commercial carpet service in Locust Hill, Ontario.

Nothing leaves a better impression to guests and employees than a cozy, clean-looking, fragrant smelling workspace.

Any type of commercial space (e.g. a showroom, office, small shop or a cafe) will have carpets that get easily grimed up and will require regular cleaning. Coffee will be spilled, dirt will be dragged around while people come and go.

To wash off all stubborn stains and eliminate lingering odors on the carpet, we use commercial grade cleaning methods and equipment. After that, we’ll proceed with the general carpet cleaning. So it’s a 2-step process. Removal of stains and actual carpet cleaning. Both steps must complement each other. One targets spills and stains as any workspace would have, while the second phase will cover the general carpet area.

Common areas like hallways, office floors, entrances, and exits will receive extra treatment since these often get high foot traffic.

Once done, you’ll notice your carpet looks just like when you first moved in.

We are meticulous when choosing staff to send out to the field. Unlike some companies, we make sure only those who go through our rigorous in-house training will be allowed to work on-site. With that, you can relax knowing only highly trained and insured personnel will be cleaning your carpets when you book our commercial service.

It is through our 20 years of experience that we know you can’t afford downtime on site. We’ve made our hours flexible to adapt to your schedules. We arrive as soon as your business close and before you open the next day the carpets are now dry and ready to use.

Book your cleaning in today on (289) 312-0067