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Are you looking to hire a carpet cleaning machine in Northglen, Ontario? You should read our site before you make that mistake and pull the trigger!
Now you might have found us in your search to hire a carpet cleaning machine but today we are here to tell you that it’s the wrong choice.
The tough love lesson here today is about exactly that. All you have to do is go on YouTube and look for DIY mistakes and you’ll be out of breath laughing. Don’t let your carpet end up being a DIY laughing case.
So the goal here today is really to save you’re a headache that you could cause going the DIY route hiring a cleaning machine from the store. You don’t even have to call us about our services. Heck, why not call us. Get a quote and then shop around. We really don’t care. What we are trying to do here today is save you from being another victim of a carpet cleaning DIY disaster. That’s it!
The real issue if we dive deeper is that each carpet is different. So is each stain. So treating your carpet as a one-stop shop buffet that serves nothing but average food in mass (the DIY machine) is the polar opposite way you should be going about things. You should be eating at a restaurant that serves just the food you’re looking for such as an award-winning Italian restaurant is you want pizza (the comparison for the professional service provider).
To take this further could you imagine if a random person showed up at your house in an unmarked car and a rug doctor after you booked in a professional carpet cleaning service? This is what a customer of ours told us happened. Obviously, they rejected him and didn’t let him clean their carpets. And for good reason after you know what you know since you’ve read this page now.
The best way to look at it is like this. There are no DIY machines that cover all possible situations and if you do something wrong it’s going to cost you. Your insurance company will investigate and likely won’t even payout damages.
Call us today on (289) 312-0067 to discuss your options and get your service booked in.