Home >> Residential Carpet Cleaning >> Morningside Seven Oaks >> Carpet Cleaning Stain Removal

In need of urgent carpet stain removal? We can do it for you at a budget-friendly price. We can get rid of any type of stains. Do not attempt to clean the stains yourselves. Particular stains have specific ways to be removed. If done wrong, it can make the damage worse.

We have perfected our stain removal process through our long-standing experience on the job. With around 20 years in the industry. We have dealt with every type of imaginable stain.

Is the stain new? Have you tried to remove the stain many times over the years and it’s not worked? It doesn’t matter. We can handle all types of stains that have been giving you a headache, no matter how stubborn.

If you have any of the following stains we can help:

Food stains, coffee, tea, fat, oil, butter or cooking grease, barbecue sauce, ketchup, mustard, chocolate, fresh fruits, soft drinks or fizzy drinks, syrup, soda, pop, red wine, blood, mud, dirt, beer, paint, salad dressing, petroleum jelly or Vaseline, alcohol,nail polish, lipstick, candle wax, bubble gum, ink, permanent or whiteboard markers, pet urine, and even human vomit or poop!

No matter what the stain is, even if not on the list, we can get rid of them for you.

For recent accidents that just took place. Like spilling liquids on the carpet. The best thing to do is to quickly soak up the moisture with a paper towel. Never rub the area, just gently pat dry until the towel can’t pick up anything anymore.

CAUTION: Trying to DIY stain removal will only do more harm than good. Worst case is you’ll just push the stain deeper into the carpet. It’s best to let professionals like us handle the situation.

If you’ve ‘heard’ somewhere that varnish can remove a stain. It is a hoax. Please refrain from using it as it’ll only worsen the stain.

Call today on (289) 312-0067 to get a free quote.