Home >> Residential Carpet Cleaning >> Golden Mine >> Move In Carpet Cleaning

Did you just buy a property or take over a lease? Or perhaps you are setting up your property to be leased and require carpet cleaning before occupancy? We’re the right people to help.

We have been doing quality carpet cleaning services in Golden Mine for over 2 decades. We can deal with practically any job requirement that you have.

Our affiliate landlords and real estate agents can vouch for our excellent service whenever they require carpet cleaning, as they use us! We’re also recommended by them quite often. There can never be any real assurance how your newly rented place was cleaned before it was turned over for you to move in.

It’s wise to have whatever remaining stains or spots the property carpets have removed before the furniture is brought in.

No matter how many times we’ve done move in carpet cleaning in the past, we still get surprised by how much dirt we clean. At the end of the day, it is still insisted that the carpets were indeed 'expertly cleaned' before our customers began moving in.

You never know if that professional clean was a real deep steam clean or the property owners friend who used a $50 vacuum. Having your carpets cleaned is more than just about style. It will also remove any allergens that are basically invisible to the human eye. This can trigger sensitivities or cause skin irritations.

If there are pet pee stains that were left on the carpets. This possibly carries bacteria that can cause infections. For all you know, there is dust mites and mold on the property carpets but you can’t see them as both are hidden in the carpet.

Following the same logic as people who have second-hand furniture cleaned, carpets also need to be cleaned. It may look clean but it doesn’t really mean it’s really clean.

If you have children who would highly likely roll around and play on the floor. It is pretty much required that you ensure your carpets are clean. It’s for your child own health and safety.

Book today on (289) 312-0067