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When you are looking for a type of carpet cleaning method to use it’s generally best to leave that choice to the experts who you hire to do your cleaning work. With years of on the job experience, they can tell you if dry carpet cleaning would be suitable for your situation. But, as you are here today. Below is a little information about this cleaning method.

When the cleaning process starts you might be surprised that no water is used. Instead, a special powered is used to cover the carpet. The power is left to sit for a while so it acts like a sponge sucking up all the grime and dirt in your carpet.

After the powder has done its job to suck up dirt. A unique type of machine is then used to push the powder into the carpet. The opposite of the deep steam cleaning process. Special motorized bush heads are used for this. When the powder is pushed even further into the carpet it allows it to suck up all the grime, dirt and bacteria that is hidden deep in the carpet fibers.

The final step is a high powered vacuum that sucks up all the powder. Leaving your carpets fresh and clean.

The powder that is used on the carpet is perfectly safe and by the time the cleaning process is complete there will be no power left over anyhow.

Dry carpet cleaning made its debut in the 1980s. Back then being a new technology it was a rarity. Roughly 40 years later it is much more popular. Deep steam cleaning still holds the title of the most popular cleaning method and it might take decades until the dry method is the norm if it ever is.

If you want to book in our services just keep in mind we do offer dry carpet cleaning but it also depends on where you are located and what division of our company you will be booking through. It’s best to call and speak to us to see if we offer the service in your area. If we don’t then we will always have a comparable solution that will help cover your cleaning needs.

Our friendly team is standing by ready to give you a free quote. Call today on (289) 312-0067.