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One very important thing operators often miss is the keeping the mattresses in their facility clean.

Not only will you be able to use your mattresses for longer, but your customers will also feel they are truly cared for.

In the social media age where reviews are powerful, just a single complaint about mattress stains can turn off future guests.

Or it could be as simple as someone who is allergic to dust mite excrement that was triggered by what looks like a clean mattress but the mattress was actually full of allergens as it has not been regularly cleaned.

Both scenarios can easily be prevented through regular mattress cleaning. We can help you plan a scheduled cleaning program for your establishment or we can also do a one-off mattress cleaning. We are experts in mattress cleaning and work with establishments like:

- Hotels

- Senior Assisted Living Communities

- Healthcare Facilities

- Student Housing

- Nursing Homes

- Serviced Apartments & Condos

- Many more...

We’re experts, not just on allergen removal, but also on stain and odor removal from your commercial mattress.

Regardless of what establishment you run, a boutique B&B or a resort. Spills, accidents, and stains will take place. Your mattress will have stains and odors that have to be cleaned up within the shortest amount of time. It can be a stubborn red wine stain or a baby may have an accident which will cause odors. No matter how bad, we are experts in mattress cleaning and can definitely help bring the life back to your mattresses.

We can be reached on (289) 312-0067 to answer any question and lock in your booking.