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Clean mattresses at all times are crucial for businesses. However, it is also easily neglected.

While it gives your mattresses a longer lifespan, it also shows how you much you care for your clients.

It can take just one social media post about dirty mattresses to go viral and cause damage to your image.

It could also be that one of your guests suffered from severe allergies to dust mites due to what seems to be a clean mattress on the outside but actually hasn’t been properly cleaned.

Both situations are actually escapable by having a routine mattress cleaning. We work very closely with you to create a cleaning program for your facility. And we also offer once of mattress cleaning. We have a lot of experience in different types of establishments such as:

- Hotels

- Senior Assisted Living Communities

- Healthcare Facilities

- Student Housing

- Nursing Homes

- Serviced Apartments & Condos

- Many more...

Aside from cleaning off allergens, we will also deal with the elimination of stains and lingering odors.

No matter what kind of facility you have, a large hotel or a small one. You won’t be able to prevent accidents that will cause stains and odors on your mattresses, these have to be cleaned asap. We can effortlessly deal with any type of stains or odors. Be it spilled liquids on the bed. Or a toddler’s nappy overflowing. We can fix anything. You’re guaranteed to have your mattresses back into its mint condition in no time.

We can be reached on (289) 312-0067 to answer any question and lock in your booking.