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Need commercial carpet cleaning for your workspace but unsure of the costs?

Without knowing the details of your requirements it would be hard to pin a price for commercial carpet cleaning. As it usually varies and is determined by countless factors.

Once we determine all the details, you will be provided with a general package cost. As opposed to listing down all the fees in an invoice.

It would be safe to look into budgeting around 15c to 20c per square foot. But this an estimate the final pricing is to be determined by the cleaning method required and location of the service.

This equates to the following pricing:

- Small Area – 1,000 sq.ft. – Between $150 and $200.

- Medium Area – 2,000 sq.ft. – $300 to $400.

- Large Area – 4,000 sq.ft.- $600 to $800.

- Very Large – 8,000 sq.ft.- $1,200 to $1,600.

Bear in mind that the above are just approximates. It is still highly advisable to give us a call. Cost above is just for deep steam cleaning. Should deodorizing be added, the pricing will be affected. Costs can also be higher for high traffic areas, like entrances, exits, and hallways as these tend to be dirtier and would require more work.

More questions to be asked can be things like how many floors are there to be cleaned? Will there be stairs and landings? These among a few more others.

Our friendly staff are waiting to take your booking right now – Call us on (289) 312-0067