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Is your workspace due for general cleaning? We offer commercial carpet service in Lawrence Heights.
Nothing leaves a better impression to guests and employees than a cozy, clean-looking, fragrant smelling workspace.
Any type of commercial space (e.g. a showroom, office, small shop or a cafe) will have carpets that get easily grimed up and will require regular cleaning. Coffee will be spilled, dirt will be dragged around while people come and go.
To make sure stubborn stains and foul smells are eliminated, we use commercial-grade carpet cleaning procedures and machinery. It’s going to be a dual-step process, after the stain removal we will proceed with the actual general carpet cleaning. It always has to be the 2 step process as the first one targets specific stains which is normal in any workplace, while the other covers overall cleaning.
Extra cleaning treatment shall also be given to high traffic areas like doorways, hallways, entrances, and exits, due to the volume of daily foot traffic.
Voila! We’re done and now your commercial carpet is in mint condition.
Unlike some companies, we are very specific when it comes to the technicians we send out. We require all of them to go through intense in-house training before we allow them to work on-site. Because of that, you're assured that your workspace is safe with us when you book our commercial cleaning service.
Our 20 years of experience has taught us that our clients can’t shut down during work hours to fit us in. That is why our booking system is flexible enough to adapt to your schedules. Cleaning will start at the close of business day so that by morning, the carpets are dry and ready for use.
Call (289) 312-0067 right now to get booked in ASAP.