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No two offices are the same. With over 20 years’ experience, we can offer you a custom cleaning solution for your office carpet.

If you are on our website today you must be looking for pricing.

Well, the reality is that it’s almost impossible to quote online without complex quotation systems that are not really worth putting in place. A short phone call that takes a few minutes gets us 10x more information. This allows us to quote accurately.

Use the table below to get the average for pricing. But, remember this is just that, an estimated average. It’s best to call us to get a real quote.

- Small – 1,000 sqft - $1050 to $200

- Medium – 2,000 sqft - $300 to $400

- Large Offices – 4,000 sqft - $600 to $800

- Very Large – 8,000 sqft - $1,200 to $1,600

- Upholstery cleaning extras?

Not to beat this to death. But, do remember that what you just read is an average. It’s best to call us to get real prices.

One thing that has not been included in the table above is extra-large office spaces. Generally, this applies to offices that take up entire floors of office buildings. Pricing for spaces that large generally fall under the 15c mark per square foot mark.

While there is more consideration that needs to be taken into account that is listed below. The basics of pricing are what you’ve just read. The other things to keep in mind are:

- Property accessibility?

- Number of floors and access between floors

- Access to water?

- Stairs to clean?

- Are there a lot of cubicles that need things moved before cleaning?

- Are there extra closed offices that need cleaning. And is there furniture that needs cleaning in these separate offices?

- Are there conference rooms to cleaned?

As you can imagine the list is a lot longer. For a small office floor space, there won’t be that much that goes into the quote. But for larger multi-floor offices the list of variables gets very long. So it’s always best to call us.

(289) 312-0067 is our number. Get booked in now! Call today.