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One very important thing operators often miss is the keeping the mattresses in their facility clean.

Not only will you be able to use your mattresses for longer, but your customers will also feel they are truly cared for.

With the speed of social media, one bad review of a bed bug situation can easily go viral and damage your reputation.

Or, although your mattresses looked clean on the outside, it is actually full of allergens and dust mites on the inside that might trigger allergic reactions to one of your guests with sensitive skin.

You can be spared from both hassles if you set up a routine mattress cleaning. We offer help in planning a regular mattress cleaning schedule and we can also do a one-off cleaning for specific mattresses as needed. Our service can cover various commercial facilities like:

- Hotels

- Senior Assisted Living Communities

- Healthcare Facilities

- Student Housing

- Nursing Homes

- Serviced Apartments & Condos

- Many more...

In addition to the removal of allergens, we will also address the removal of any stain or odors present on your mattresses.

You may be running a large resort or a small 10 room hotel, your mattresses are not safe from spills and accidents. These can cause stains and foul odors that will cause problems if not cleaned as soon as they happen. We can effortlessly deal with any type of stains or odors. Be it spilled liquids on the bed. Or a toddler’s nappy overflowing. We can fix anything. You’re guaranteed to have your mattresses back into its mint condition in no time.

Call us on (289) 312-0067 to get a quote today!